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Wanda Cinema Line team visit AMC headquarters

Apr 22,2014

Wanda Cinema Line team visit AMC headquarters

A team from Wanda Cinema Line completed a 2-week training session at AMC Group Headquarters in Kansa💞s on April 15.

The training was conducted to learn from AMC's experience and adopt best in class cinema management practices for Wanda's China-based cinema operations. Wanda sent 3 representatives from Group head office as well as staff from Shanghai and Chengdu to visit AMC's Kansas headquarters in late March. After 2 weeks, the team headed back to Beijing armed with new information that will be used to train local staff.

AMC staff unreservedly shared their expertise in areas such as day-to-day theater operations, brand communications, data applications, while taking time to dissect and analyze characteristics of the US and China market, so as to provide the best training results for the team. The Wanda study group was also given the opportunity to brief their AMC colleagues on the current state of China's cinema market as well as shared expertise gained in daily operations, an area which attracted significant interest among AMC employees.