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UK Stufish to help design Wanda Cultural Tourism Cities

Jul 31,2013

UK Stufish to help design Wanda Cultural Tourism Cities


Wanda Group has reached an agreement with the UK’s Stufish Ltd on the construction of the Wanda Cultural Tourism Cities in Nanchang ꧒and Hefei.

As a cooper♏ative partner of Wanda, it ꦜis the first time for Stufish to participate in the fa?ade design of the Wanda Cultural Tourism Cities.

Mark Fisher, a world-renowned architect who established the Stufish Ltd🧸, h🍸as made great contributions to Wanda’s cultural tourism development.

Fisher passe𒁃d away on June 25, 2013. However, his company will carry forward the strategic cooperation relationship with Wanda and provide professional planning an🎃d design services to Wanda.