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Poor children invited to watch cartoon movie

May 22,2013

Poor children invited to watch cartoon movie

Children 🔥wait to enter the the🐟ater to watch The Croods.

Changchun Wanda Cinema and Xinyu Volunteers' League in Northeast China’s Jilin Province jointly invited children living in poverty to watch a cartoon movie for free on May 19, 2013.

Mor🍷e than 50 children, who had never watched a m🍌ovie in theater before, were invited to visit the Wanda Cinema’s Saide branch and watch the Dreamworks blockbuster The Croods.

"I’ve been expecting this for๊ a long time. Today my dream finally came true,” said one of the children.

The 3D computer-animated adventure comedy has been a huge hit with Chinese audiences. The kids were attracted by the story and impress💝ed by the 3D effect and filled🍃 the whole theater with laughter.

After watching the movie, they were🍎 led to the screening room to learn about the evolution o🍷f screening technology.

The parents thanꦕked the cinema and the volunteer league for their kindn🔴ess while staff of the cinema also feel honored to be able to bring the children happiness.

"Creating common prosperity through charity is our mission,🥀” said the manager of the Saide branch, “I believe the kids will also experience success and happiness b🐽rought by the innovation, braveness, perseverance and dream embedded in the movie.”

Wanda seeks to be a socially-responsible business, proactively assuming social responsibility. In the past 25 years, it has set a role model and a development trend for China's private enterprises.

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About Wanda Group:

The Dalian Wanda Group was founded in 1988 and operates in four major industries, including comme🦹rcial properties, luxury hotels, culture & tourism, and department store chain. The company has assets of 300 billion yuan ($48 billion) and an annual income of 141.7 billion yuan ($23 billion), and pays 20.2 billion yuan ($3.2 billion) in taxes every year. The company now operates 67 Wanda Plazas, 38 five-star hotels, 6,000 cinema screens, 57 department stores and 63 ka😼raoke outlets across the country. By 2015, the company aims to increase its assets to 400 billion yuan ($64.8 billion) and annual income to 250 billion yuan ($40.5 billion), and pay 30 billion yuan ($4.8 billion) in taxes every year, becoming a world-class enterprise.