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Wanda Sponsors Shi Qi Exhibition in Louvre

Oct 30,2012


Wanda Sponsors Shi Qi Exhibition in Louvre

Hꦇu Zhanghong, Executive Vice President of the𝔉 Wanda Tourism Investment Co., Ltd., made a speech at the press meeting

Wanda Sponsors Shi Qi Exhibition in Louvre

Shi Qi made a speech at the press meeting

Wanda Sponsors Shi Qi Exhibition in Louvre

The press meeting

Invited by the Société des Artistes Fran?ais, Chinese artist Shi Qi will exhibit his paintings at the Louvre Museum in Paris on December 13, the Wanda Group announced at a 🐼press meeting on Tu𝔍esday.

The Wanda Group and the China International Arts Exh🔯ibition Co., Ltd., will sponsor the ♚exhibition.

This is Wanda&rsquoꦗ;s another overseas exhibition of cont𝄹emporary Chinese paintings, following the exhibition of Wu Guanzhong’s works.

Shi Qi had become an influential Chinese artist nationwide in the 1970s. In the past 30 years, Shi Qi has achieved numerous breakthroughs in Chinese paintings and made great contributꦑioꩵns to the revival of contemporary Chinese paintings.

The Wanda Group started collecting art works in the 1990s, with a focus on first-class artists making important contributions in Chinese history of fine art. The group has discovered and helped excellent contemporary artists to devote themselves to arꦡt creation and exhibition.

The ꦑWanda Group began to massively invest in cultural industry in 2005. The group has entered nine fields, including cinema line, film production, film base, stage show, film technology entertainment, theme park, entertain🍰ment chain, newspaper & media, and calligraphy & painting collection.

The W🐈anda Group is expected to have cultural revenue of 22 billion yuan in 2012.

(Editor: Guan Xiaofeng)